Things are certainly different in 2012 than 2011. Stats wise or lakorn wise, 2011 has a significant leverage. One can say it won hands down. Along with the myriad of lakorns to blog about in 2011, there were personal circumstances that came into play, which help in well, overall lakorn blogging. It’s best to explore those circumstances for a better understanding of 2012’s small successes.

It’s quite sobering to recall that a year ago, I was living in Jakarta, Indonesia. My career, friends and life were put on pause for my sojourn, long sabbatical in SE Asia. I was able to awaken my personal hobby of blogging and finally, dedicate almost a fulltime focus on lakorns again. They were good times that opened my world up to culture, new friends and a renewed appreciation for lakorns.

Then I returned back to my career, friends and life in the beautiful Pacific Northwest a year later, January of 2012. I was glad to be back, but nostalgic for the life I lived- a lively and lonely time that seemingly interlink, creating a full experience of an expat. But I knew coming back to the U.S. that things are going to be different. I won’t have the time I had in blogging ridiculously daily as I had while living abroad, so how was I going to maintain this labor of love? How was I going to keep readers interested as well as myself invested enough to continue blogging, happily?

It is definitely doable. Life may get in the way, but I feel that interjecting a bit of personal with the shared interest of lakorn can help one feel that one doesn’t always have to write about lakorns. Although, keeping in the back of one’s mind that most readers tune into a blog to help them in certain ways, whether that is for recaps of a drama that they don’t understand, get a review on a drama they are skeptical about or thinking about watching, read first impressions from someone they may trust or simply to find an avenue where they can share their insights/thoughts and spasms with another fellow lakorn enthusiast.

And with that in mind, I am able to hone in my focus for this blog.

Therefore to me, 2012 is a learning curve, a small personal success.

And I have you to thank for that. So without further ado, I’d like to share with you my stats for 2012. Special thanks for those you see listed below and most importantly, to those new individuals, new followers that has found lovefia’s blog to be follow-worthy, to those recurring readers and their continued support, and even the silent ones.

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Cheers to a new year- cheers to new friends- and cheers to new lakorns that hopefully, will blow our minds.

Kop kun maak ka (thank you very much) for a fun 2012. I look forward to enjoying another wonderful year of lakorns with you.

*stats credit to wordpress stat monkies!

You can also check out 2011 stats