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What’s up you guys?! Has anyone noticed that this thread magically appears when I’m magically not here (blogging)? Sigh, to my dearest Lovelies (this is my endearment to you moving forward.. inspired by the Darklings of Darkness Lakorns!) life is but a crazy whirlwind ride lately. I’m sad to say this, but I’m going to put Fai Nai Wayu (sorry Aum!) on hold. My sincerest apologies that I can’t keep FNW going, but I’m already so far behind! The subbers at Viki are diligently hammering away, so don’t forget to watch FNW with English subs.. since there won’t be any recaps.

I feel so terrible! But much has been going on with my work and life, then there’s my sister’s wedding planning (which is almost a second job in and of itself!) as well as myriad of other distractions.

This is why I am opening this thread. It will be a great opportunity to discuss current lakorns (share your thoughts on FNW), gossips, what’s going on with your life, and any other important matters out there. I’ll still be here, and I may post impressions and/or other articles that don’t require 6 hours of my day to write 🙂 I thank you as always, for your continued support! So dish away!

P.S. Go on over to Darkness Lakorns to read Koom Nang Kruan, Wieng Roy Dao, Jao Payu caps- and don’t forget to say happy fifth birthday! Please feel free to share other recapping sites/projects that are going on right now. ~Fia