And just like that, the year is over. It has been a blur, if I am being honest. My expensive journal (aka this slow going blog) is directly proportional to lakorns I have seen this year, which is to say, very pitiful (me, not lakorn world). The only lakorn I have finished and enjoyed is Matalada, a wholesome show about a woman who quite literally makes everyone brighter, including me. So I suppose that is the only highlight of my lakorn year.

To be fair, I should share my feedback on the lakorn that I did anticipate for a couple of years, but did not compel me to continue after several episodes, I think I watched as much as 8? 10? For those of you who frequent this blog, Prom Likit, the sequel to Buppae Saniwas, was one I had high hopes for, and you know what they say about high expectations (best not to have one). While watching the show live the recurring thought I had was, why should I care? Granted, the appeal of BPS is living vicariously through the time traveler’s daily life in a different world. It is admirable on both Bella and Pope’s portrayals of two (three for Pope) different characters present in the same scenes – it is a feat actually – but while the show tells a story about the kids, I am still forever stuck with the parents story.

It is hard to beat the OG Khun P’ though, isn’t it? At any rate, I decided to put a hold on watching until the ending came out, and then I watched the ending (spoiler, it is happy!) and just like that, I moved on with my life. During my BPS era, I have lost count of how many times I’ve seen the show.

These days shows that appeal to me have changed. There is a common theme I noticed threaded throughout the shows I found enjoyable, shows that have sucked me into their orbit. Perhaps my life this year has been quite hectic, so I ventured into dramas that heal my soul, unwinds my day and feed this ultimate romantic at heart. If you are anything like me, or need some calm and healing shows to end your day, you might find the following Chinese dramas much needed. These are what I defined as “perfect”.

Meet Yourself

Liu Yifei summed it up best, this drama “doesn’t have major events, conflicts, but that doesn’t stop it from being an emotionally exquisite drama.” Well said, beautiful! This show is all about healing your soul and discovering yourself without any drama. Yes, it is indeed possible.

Hidden Love

Oh to have your crush requited. This show put the word “gege” (older bro) on the map. We can crush on a gege and have him too. This show is simply ROMANTIC.

When I Fly Towards You

The same writer as Hidden Love, which has similar themes of crushing on someone, but also adds a fun element of youth.

Love Me Love My Voice

Mo Qingcheng! This show is simply adorable. If you are a foodie and enjoy learning about the dubbing world, plus cute chemistry between the leads, this is for you. An all fluff, no drama, just eating and singing. Watch with a nice meal because you will be hungry.

Forever and Ever

Since I liked the writer from Love Me Love My Voice, I decided to check out her earlier work, Forever and Ever. And I think I fell in love with Allen Ren’s work in this, along with One and Only. This is probably not a spoiler, but One and Only and Forever and Ever are part one and part two respectively. Part one speaks to their tragic earlier lifetime (in a historical lens) to be followed with Part two which gave us a happy ending and healed our hearts. I watched it in reverse, but it allowed me to enjoy the series even more due to their poignant love.

Need even more healing?… I know I recommended this before, but Hospital Playlist seasons one and two. If you like the duo writer/director, also check out Prison Playbook. I watched all three shows AGAIN this year.

While thematically I truly enjoyed healing shows, I did venture out and watched an eclectic bunch that made me happy this year:

Blood of Youth, Back from the Brink, Mysterious Lotus Casebook, Royal Rumors, The Love You Give Me, We Go Fast On Trust, A Date with the Future, Hi Venus, Flight to You, Nothing But You.

I hope the new year brings us more healing shows, more peace, health and happiness. Sometimes traveling far enough you meet yourself, but for the sake of our drama lovers everywhere, traveling via a drama can also take you to places where you can find yourself. Cheers to 2024, Lovelies.